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The Digital Transformation of Procurement

The Digital Transformation of Procurement

from  June 21, 2023 | 5 min read

In today’s rapid changing and ever evolving business landscape, digital transformation is reshaping all industries across the board. In recent years the procurement area has been undergoing a heavy shift towards digitalization.

Traditionally, procurement involved a panoply of manual processes that relied heavily on paperwork, which often resulted in limited visibility for professionals working in the field. However, and due to the advent of new digital technologies, procurement has been propelled into a new era of optimization, efficiency, transparency, and innovation.

The Evolution of Procurement 

Procurement has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a paper-base, administrative business function. In the past, procurement professionals had to rely heavily on physical documentation, spreadsheets, and manual communication to manage the sourcing and purchasing processes. This approach besides being heavily time-consuming was also prone to many errors and inefficiencies, as you might imagine.

Thanks to the rise of digital technologies, procurement has experienced a true revolution. The proliferation of cloud-based solutions, big data analysis, artificial intelligence and process automation technologies catapulted procurement to a new era of digital transformation.

What are the Key Components of Digital Transformation in Procurement?

Cloud-based Procurement Platforms 

Cloud-based Procurement Platforms like Scanmarket have revolutionized procurement by offering scalable, flexible, and accessible solutions. Procurement platforms hosted on a cloud provide organizations with a centralized and collaborative ecosystem, that empowers professionals to manage sourcing, supplier relationships, related contracts, and all purchasing activities. These platforms eliminate the need for on-premises infrastructures, allowing procurement professionals to work from any location, at any time, and on any device. Cloud-based solutions also facilitate the integration with any other ERP Systems, making data consolidation and cleaning easily visible for all involved parties.  

Big Data Analytics

The availability of vast amounts of data has completely transformed procurement into a data-driven function. Advanced analytics tools and machine learning algorithms currently enable organizations to mine data for valuable insights from procurement activities. By analyzing historical and real-time data, business can optimize their spend management, identify opportunities for savings, and mitigate any supply chain risks. Data-driven decision-making enhances procurement strategies, fosters supplier relationships, and drives overall business performance.

AI and Process Automation Technologies

Artificial intelligence and Process Automation technologies automate repetitive and manual tasks in procurement, enabling professionals to focus on more strategic activities. AI-powered solutions, improve supplier communication by providing real-time information, setting alerts for any supplier related activities that need a human’s attention, and automating purchasing orders. On the other hand, Process Automation technologies streamline invoice processing, contract management processes, and any related data entries, greatly reducing errors and cycle times. The combination of both technologies, enhance efficiency, increase accuracy, and augment collaboration within the procurement function.

eRFx and eAuction Software

eRFx which stands for electronic request for x, where x can be request for information, quotation, and proposal, allows procurement professionals to easily obtain information from suppliers and together with eAuction software, transfer the most competitive suppliers to virtual auctions. In these virtual auctions, suppliers bid and compete for products or line of products that a business is sourcing for. This allows businesses to optimize their sourcing events, saving time and ensuring they are purchasing the necessary goods for their business activities, for the best possible price.

What are the Benefits of the Digital Transformation of Procurement?

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity 

Digital procurement streamlines processes, eliminates manual errors, and automate routine tasks, resulting in an overall improved efficiency and productivity. Electronic sourcing reduces cycle times, enhances the collaboration between all involved stakeholders, and eliminates any bottle necks due to inefficient paperwork. Automation frees up procurement professionals to focus on more strategical initiatives, supplier relationship management and innovation.

Cost Savings and Spend Optimization

The digital transformation of procurement also enables organizations to optimize spend management and easily identify any cost-savings opportunities. Through advanced analytics, businesses can analyze all historical spend data, benchmark supplier prices, negotiate better contracts, and identify any potential savings. Automation of invoice processing and payment systems reduces the number of errors, helps eliminate late payment penalties, and ensures adherence to previously negotiated terms, contributing to cost savings.

Improved Visibility and Transparency 

Digital procurement provides real-time visibility into procurement activities and supplier performance. In fact, centralized procurement platforms and spend analytics solutions, enable organizations to track orders, monitor supplier compliance and mitigate any associated risks. Improved visibility enhances decision-making, drives accountability, and fosters trust and collaboration with suppliers.

Rapid Adaptation to Sudden Market Changes

The digitalization of procurement also enables organizations to quickly adapt to any sudden market changes. Businesses who rely on cloud-based and automation technologies can rapidly onboard any new suppliers and easily respond to new market demands.

Enhanced Supplier Collaboration and Relationships

Finally, the digital transformation of procurement, improves the collaboration with suppliers by providing a centralized and transparent environment. Real-time communication trough in-platform communication tools and streamlined collaboration tools enhance supplier performance management and reduces cycle times.


In conclusion the digital transformation of procurement has revolutionized the way organizations manage the relationship with their suppliers, drives efficiency, and unlocks data-driven business decisions. Cloud-based solutions combined with data analytics, artificial intelligence and process automation tools have transformed procurement from a manual, prone to errors process to an agile, data-driven function.

Organizations that completely embrace digital procurement gain a competitive business advantage, are able to adapt quickly to any sudden market changes, and position themselves for long-term success.

To fully harness the potential of digital transformation, organizations should invest in robust procurement technologies to promote a culture of efficiency, transparency, and collaboration. 

Henrik Leerberg

Vice President, Global Procurement Marketing - Marketing Scanmarket

As Scanmarket's Vice President, Global Procurement Marketing Henrik oversees all marketing activities globally by fueling growth and creating value for both existing and new customers. Henrik has worked in software and electronics businesses throughout his entire career, operating in B2B markets. With more than 25 years of leadership experience from a range of software companies, Henrik has built a solid foundation for a broad business understanding within all aspects from engineering over marketing and sales to administration. Henrik holds degrees in Marketing and Business Administration and in Electrical Engineering.

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