Consulting Services

Our Procurement Consultants Can Help You Achieve Great Sourcing Results

Efficient Procurement is the Sum of Adept Professionals Enabled by Great Digital Tools



Our Consultants Are Here to Help

Every now and then, it takes a gentle push and an outsider's perspective to gain momentum – and that’s exactly what our consultants are here to provide. Everything we do revolves around procurement, sourcing strategies and adoption, and we enjoy helping people solve their strategic sourcing challenges.
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Strategic Consulting

Co-Creating the Best Solutions

Some buyers might need support throughout the process. Others might just want the RFx sanity-checked before issuing it. Others may be looking for advice in relation to choosing the right e-auction strategy or learning more about best practices in strategic sourcing. Work with a Scanmarket Consultant to implement or course correct your e-sourcing strategy. Whatever your need, we are here to help pave the way to successful sourcing.


Traditional Training Drawbacks

Most software providers offer training as part of the implementation process, but these training sessions usually happen before users actually begin using the software. Some software providers offer user manuals and video recordings, but many users are left hesitant about using new systems without hands-on experience.  At Scanmarket we encourage continuous learning and hands-on training over a period of time to allow for actual learning to take place.

Project-Based Learning

Our Way to Your Success

Learn by doing. Scanmarket's project-based learning approach enables users to learn at their own pace, with dedicated support. They execute their first projects in the new system with full confidence and save time as this type of training is integrated into their daily work so they are learning as they carry out their daily tasks. Users learn by doing with expert support which increases assimilation and how much they remember for their next project.

Step by Step

Training is carried out in steps, mirroring how users would normally execute projects. At Scanmarket, training is as relevant and close to reality as possible. 



Participants learn only what they need for the project they are going to run. Participants immediately use that experience to set up and launch a real-life project, maximizing the assimilation of the training.

Dedicated Support

Participants receive full support from a dedicated Scanmarket expert during the program, ensuring that projects are executed fully according to best practices.



500+ Customers

Scanmarket's software is built to make S2C management as simple as it should be.

But, don’t take our word for it.
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