Packaging Bags
A Scanmarket Savings Snapshot on Food & Beverage Packaging
Food franchise client saves a staggering 20.17% on paper delivery bags.

A renowned food franchise ran an auction on their annual estimated volume of paper delivery bags (around 500,000 bags) which are to be distributed to their UK franchisees.
The company was already using Scanmarket eRFx and eAuction applications to drive savings but asked for support from their Scanmarket Customer Success Manager on this specific auction to increase their savings.
The client ran both an RFI and an RFQ initially, to shortlist their suppliers, collect market prices, and establish the competitive landscape before moving onto a Cherry Dutch Auction, which was built and supported by Scanmarket.
This auction drove a total fantastic saving of 20.17% from the lowest RFQ price.
It enabled the client to maximize the savings from this important category and re-establish a high level of competition across their supply-base.
The client was satisfied that nothing had been 'left on the table' whilst ensuring that all their requirements were met from a technical & quality perspective. In addition to maintaining a transparent and fair approach for all involved.