Beer Kegs
A Scanmarket Savings Snapshot on Packaging
Scanmarket client saves $4.7 million with CherryLot e-auction on metal beer kegs.

A large international brewery needed to run a traditional CherryLot Auction for the lease and purchase of metal kegs and other brewing equipment. The e-auction was to include 18 different products with the aim of awarding a one-year contract to the supplier with the best overall price per category.
In order to increase the attractiveness of the order, a centralized purchasing strategy was used by summing up volumes from 8 different subsidiaries in different countries. A mock auction was run prior to the live event allowing suppliers to log into the Scanmarket system, place bids, and use Quick Call technical support. 6 suppliers were invited to participate in the live e-auction event, and stakeholders from different subsidiaries were invited to follow along. Scanmarket's messaging functionality was used to communicate with suppliers and increase bidding activity.
590 bids were placed during the CherryLot e-auction generating over €4 million in savings (23.3%) in 2 hours.